Life360 app login
Life360 app login

life360 app login

Basic common sense and logic dictates, that whenever an account is activated on a new device, it should be deactivated on the old device, thus only allow 1 device to be tracked at a time. I tried my best to explain to support why this is just ridiculous that their app does this and why they shouldn't do this, as it obviously causes problems for a lot of people, but sadly they just don't get it. Life360 support themselves say, you cannot have the same account active on multiple devices at the same time, obviously, as this would mess up the tracking if multiple devices were reporting different locations at the same time, yet that is exactly what their system intentionally tries to do by creating multiple profiles. So even though there is nothing to track on any of your old phones, it will still somehow screw up the tracking and reporting from the phone/profile that actually does exist and actually is online.

#Life360 app login Offline#

Even if that old phone has been offline for years. Even if your old phone has been destroyed and no longer exists, Life360 still thinks it is online and tries to track it. Even if you factory reset the old phone, their system still thinks it is online and tries to track it. Even if you uninstalled the app from the old phone, and thus it is not online, it doesn't matter, their system still treats it as though it is online and is still trying to track it. I have lost count the number of times I have contacted support about these issues, and they tell me I have to log out, login, reset passwords, delete accounts etc, just to work around their bugs, What they have also finally now told me is that every time you re-install the app, such as when you get a new phone, their system creates a new profile each tine and will try to track all of them at the same time. There have been quite a few times when we have been alerted that one of our kids has left the house at 4AM.

life360 app login life360 app login

It will randomly say that my kids have left school when they haven't, it will tell me they have left the house when they haven't. I assume these are probably old notifications that are turning up hours or days later, which is of course useless. It will send notifications at completely random times, saying that someone has left or arrived at a notification, when they haven't. It has been a regular problem in our household when we are out, the app says we are still at home and have been there for the last few days. Far too often it will just stop tracking them and say they have been in the same spot for hours or even days. The location tracking is completely flaky and unreliable and cannot be relied upon to track your kids. My family has been using this app for a few years now, in the beginning it seemed really good, but it has really gone downhill since then and is totally unreliable now.

Life360 app login